The Fruit of the Spirit is PATIENCE

  1. 7. Hebrews 12:1 encourages believers in Jesus to run the race of life with ___________.
  2. 9. Who does Hebrews 6:15 say obtained the promise through patience?
  3. 10. What does Paul say is patient in 1 Corinthians 13:4?
  4. 11. They who wait for the LORD shall renew their ___________. (Isaiah 40:31)
  1. 1. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, and _____________.(Galatians. 5:22)
  2. 2. Psalm 130:6 says that our souls should wait for the Lord more than _____________ for the morning.
  3. 3. Lamentations 3:26 says: "It is _________ that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD."
  4. 4. In Luke 8:15, Jesus says that people with good soil in their hearts will _______ ________ with patience.
  5. 5. Being patient can be difficult, Galatians 5:5 says that we are helped through the _________.
  6. 6. Galatians 6:9 tells us to exercise patience by not growing ___________ in doing well.
  7. 8. Psalm 27:14 tells us twice to _________ for the LORD.