The Function of the Disney princess

  1. 1. Ariel was the first Disney princess to appeal to this age group
  2. 4. This style of poses & postures are recognized as being built into traditional Disney princes & princesses
  3. 8. This parent is often absent in both fairytales & Disney films
  4. 9. Disney's _____ can hide the experience that created the princess' role
  5. 10. Father/princess relationships in Disney films can be viewed as parallel to this part of a country
  1. 2. The "teenage" Disney princess is equated with this aspect of herself
  2. 3. A female character from whom the princess need rescuing
  3. 4. Ariel mirrors this character from Dirty Dancing
  4. 5. The princess is usually seen as living in this type of world
  5. 6. Many Disney heroines wear this "mask", or play this role, which is not tied to social class
  6. 7. Overtime, Disney heroines shift into hero of ____