The Grasshopper and the Ants

  1. 2. The _____ died in winter.
  2. 3. "We are _____", said the ant.
  3. 4. "___ we will play>"
  4. 7. "We ____ have food for ants."
  5. 8. "Can I come into your ____ house?"
  6. 9. The grasshopper was cold and ______.
  7. 11. The grasshopper had nothing to ___.
  8. 12. The grasshopper played all ______.
  9. 13. The grasshopper ____ to the ants' nest.
  10. 14. The ____ worked all summer.
  1. 1. The ____ was frozen in winter.
  2. 2. The __________ didn't like to work.
  3. 5. The ants were bringing ____ to their nests.
  4. 6. The ants had ______ of food in winter.
  5. 8. Soon _____ came and it was cold.
  6. 9. "Can I ____ some food to eat?"
  7. 10. The ants were in their ____ under the ground.
  8. 13. "____ WE WORKED YOU PLAYED."