The Great Depression

  1. 2. It’s coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere
  2. 4. An excellent leader
  3. 5. Brought electricity to farms
  4. 7. Benefits for retirees
  5. 8. Popular president of the time
  6. 9. New ____
  7. 11. Unpopular president of the time
  8. 12. Makeshift town
  9. 14. Cactus ____
  10. 15. Made national parks
  1. 1. Tries to influence politicians
  2. 2. Economic downturn
  3. 3. ________ Chats
  4. 6. Got Americans jobs
  5. 7. These crashed on Black Sunday
  6. 10. National Youth Administrator leader, future president
  7. 13. Expanded industry in Texas, led by Jesse Jones