The Great Depression & WWII

  1. 6. Which US president ordered the first atomic bomb to be dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima?
  2. 8. Which US president died in office during World War II?
  3. 12. Who was the US president during the beginning of the Great Depression?
  4. 17. Which agency put Americans to work building roads, airports, and bridges, as well as painting murals, during the Great Depression?
  5. 20. What was the Pacific Island where the Japanese put up a fierce battle but eventually lost to US Marines?
  6. 23. What was the largest sea invasion in history that ultimately pushed the Germans out of France known as?
  7. 25. Who was the dictator of Italy and an ally of Hitler during World War II?
  8. 26. What was the name of the city where the first atomic bomb was dropped?
  9. 27. Which New Deal program was created to build dams and electric power stations in the Tennessee River Valley?
  10. 28. What was the day that the Japanese finally surrendered known as?
  11. 29. What was President Roosevelt’s plan to help pull America out of the Great Depression called?
  1. 1. Which New Deal program gave jobs building roads, planting forests, and working on national parks projects to young men?
  2. 2. What was the effect of severe drought, strong prairie winds, and dust on the Great Plains?
  3. 3. Which famous African American pilots protected bomber planes during World War II?
  4. 4. Who was the leader of Japan during World War II?
  5. 5. Who was the dictator of Germany who was responsible for starting World War II and the Holocaust?
  6. 7. Which African American athlete won 4 gold medals at the1936 Olympics?
  7. 9. Who was a famous pianist, composer, and band leader during the “Swing Era”?
  8. 10. What was the murder of millions of Jewish people by the Nazis called?
  9. 11. Which US president pushed for New Deal laws to help America out of the Great Depression?
  10. 13. When the government put limits on buying goods.
  11. 14. What occurred when the price of stocks rapidly decreased, causing people to panic and sell their stocks?
  12. 15. What is the day that Americans and Europeans celebrated Germany’s surrender known as?
  13. 16. What was the name of the city where the second atomic bomb was dropped? This was the reason Japan surrendered.
  14. 18. Japan attacked which naval base on December 7, 1941, which led the US to join World War II?
  15. 19. What charity provided food to the needy during the Great Depression?
  16. 21. Who wrote Gone with the Wind, a book about the South during the Civil War?
  17. 22. What was the symbol that represented women going to work in factories while the men were away at war?
  18. 24. What international organization was created after World War II to keep world peace (Eleanor Roosevelt helped start this)?