The Greatest Treasure Hunt in History
- 3. What was Hitler referred to as?
- 7. What major art hoard was dug up on an RAF site in England during the second world war?
- 10. How much gold was lost/stolen?
- 12. Did teens fight in the war?
- 16. Was hitler a good person
- 17. What things did Hitler take the most of from Europe?
- 18. How many people in total saved the treasure?
- 19. What painting by Titian was stolen by the Nazis, but safely returned after the war?
- 20. Where are some of the paintings located?
- 1. What country did Hitler invade to start ww2?
- 2. How many men helped
- 4. Who was Hitler in charge of during ww2?
- 5. Who was the leader of the Germans
- 6. What was Hitlers daughters name?
- 8. What was the max age to fight in the war
- 9. How many pieces are still missing from ww2?
- 11. Where did Hitler take from?
- 13. What was Hitlers book called?
- 14. What happened to Hitlers paintings?
- 15. How many girls helped?