The Griffin's Egg

  1. 3. This beautiful creature was believed to trick sailors into the sea with her voice.
  2. 5. This small animal has tiny wings and feeds on mosquitos and fruit; you can find it in the movie Dracula.
  3. 6. This animal loves tuna and will sometimes chase mice.
  4. 11. This large mammal lives in the Arctic Circle. Its closes relative is the brown bear.
  5. 12. Long ago, knights used this sharp weapon to defend their castles.
  6. 14. During winter, if it is very cold, water will freeze and fall from the clouds as _____.
  7. 15. This is a very large reptile that breathes fire and guards its mounds of treasure deep within a mountain.
  8. 16. The male version of a witch is called a _______.
  1. 1. A small object you can hold in your hand to light your way.
  2. 2. A man who rules a kingdom is called a ________.
  3. 4. This pachyderm can weigh 5 tons and calls countries like Ethiopia and Thailand home.
  4. 7. This large reptile is known to sleep during the day and hunt at night; you wouldn't want to go walking barefoot in the swamp with this thing around.
  5. 8. The daughter of a king is called a ______.
  6. 9. This animal can weigh 1,000 pounds and has been helping cowboys round up their cattle since the 1800s.
  7. 10. An area of land that rises above sea level; the tallest point on Earth is over 29,000 feet tall.
  8. 13. An area of land that is devoid of water and filled with sand.