The Harlem Renaissance and African American Culture

  1. 1. young women that flocked to nightclubs
  2. 3. known as Satchmo
  3. 5. refused to sit in the back of the bus
  4. 6. opinion or dislike based on color
  5. 7. Queen of Renaissance
  6. 9. separation
  7. 11. a type of jazz music
  8. 13. writer that used everyday language
  9. 15. Club distinguished ballroom
  10. 16. Migration movement to the north
  11. 17. national group for black people
  1. 2. to change or amend
  2. 4. opened her own school for girls
  3. 8. Jim Crow laws
  4. 10. creating music as you play
  5. 12. magazine illustrator
  6. 14. golden age for African American expression