The Hierarchy of Courts

  1. 4. criminal trials must be proved beyond ---------- doubt
  2. 5. court of -----. The court that can challenge a previous decision of another court
  3. 6. percentage of small claims cases that are decided within 30 minutes
  4. 8. less serious crimes will be heard in this court
  5. 10. court more serious crimes will be heard in this court
  1. 1. small claims trials do not require legal --------------
  2. 2. the court that deals with cases up to the amount of £10000
  3. 3. civil trials are decided on the balance of -----------
  4. 7. the court that hears civil cases up to the amount of £50000
  5. 9. the name of the highest appeals court in England ------- court
  6. 10. the type of law concerned with disputes and non-criminal cases