The History of Movies
- 4. Predecessor to the motion picture projector
- 5. Created to foster a mover favorable public image and alert viewers of the age-appropriateness of a film
- 6. Created first film to incorporate complex filming techniques to produce continuity of action
- 10. Due to blockbuster success, Hollywood studios favored these types of films and saw an unprecedented number of them.
- 12. “Age” of cinema in the 1930’s and 1940’s that saw unparalleled success for the movie industry
- 13. Claimed cinema was "an invention without a future."
- 14. First box-office hit: "The Great ___ Robbery"
- 16. Location for Edison's film studio: East
- 18. Experimented with special effects to create "Trip to the Moon"
- 19. Technology purchased that incorporated sound and film together
- 20. "Trip to the Moon" was the first to create this type of film
- 1. Had a goal to standardize the industry, shut out competition and made it so only certain licensed companies could exchange, distribute and produce film at different levels
- 2. The 1990s saw a high number of these types of films which required a lower budget
- 3. Type of film that was birthed in the late 1920ss that incorporated talking
- 7. Actress who died at a party, sparking debate whether movie celebrities should be idolized
- 8. Had a 5 cent admission charge
- 9. Demographic that was targeted with the film “The Wild Bunch” (1969)
- 11. Type of film that was first created to heighten emotional intensity
- 14. Once created, it caused more people to watch films at home which led to a decline in people visiting the cinema
- 15. Film that was a major breakthrough by having actors speak on screen with songs: “The ___ Singer”
- 17. System designed for films in the 1930s that resulted in early success and displaced black-and-white film in the 1940s
- 19. Integration that had studios controlling every part of the system related to their films: production, distribution, etc.