The Human Development Index

  1. 4. dimension reflecting life expectancy at birth
  2. 7. China’s rank on the HDI
  3. 11. any country with a score less than .550
  4. 12. Highest Ranked Country
  5. 14. countries must score .800 and above
  6. 18. Criticism of the HDI resulting from its collection of data
  7. 20. one of the biggest criticisms of the HDI is that it fails to consider this
  8. 24. dimension reflecting expected years of schooling and mean years of schooling
  9. 25. survey used to compute the CPI index
  10. 26. Lowest ranking country in the Americas
  11. 27. This country drops from 5th to 28th on the index when it is adjusted for inequality
  12. 28. country that saw the greatest improvement in ranking from 1990 to 2012
  13. 29. the 2014 report is focused on reducing _______
  14. 30. Indian founder
  1. 1. countries must score from .550 to .699
  2. 2. 0.702 marks the ____ average
  3. 3. weighting given to each category
  4. 5. the 2014 report is focused on building _______
  5. 6. dimension reflecting gross national income per capita
  6. 8. number of indicators
  7. 9. Highest ranked Asian country on the 2014 report
  8. 10. Country ranked lowest on the 2013 HDI index
  9. 13. Publisher of the HDI
  10. 15. countries must score from .700 to .799
  11. 16. Second Highest Ranked Country
  12. 17. US state with the lowest HDI
  13. 19. The HDI is a _______ indicator
  14. 21. This country is an outlier on the index as a result of misleading education statistics
  15. 22. Pakistani founder
  16. 23. Human Development Index acronym