The Hunger Games

  1. 5. The ugly cat with a squished face.
  2. 9. sacrifice to survive.
  3. 12. A pale yellow flower
  4. 13. A bird able to memorize and repeat human conversations
  5. 15. The capitals guards
  6. 17. A widely distributed weed of the daisy family.
  1. 1. the girl on fire.
  2. 2. Areas labelled 1-12
  3. 3. A make believe place where everything is unpleasant
  4. 4. The female tribute from district 11
  5. 6. Exercising control over the freedom, will, or thought of others
  6. 7. Creators of chaos
  7. 8. A place consisting of 12 districts and a capital
  8. 10. Not allowed
  9. 11. An act of violent resistance to an established ruler
  10. 14. The event at which Katniss volunteers
  11. 16. A place or scene of activity, debate or conflict.