The Hunger Games
- 2. the name of the berry that kills Foxface
- 4. what Peeta's father does for a living
- 5. a symbol of hope
- 9. the winner of the 50th Hunger Games
- 14. the number of the current Hunger Games
- 17. what the kissing of two fingers and then raising them means
- 19. the place in the games where you can get things you need
- 20. Katniss's younger sister
- 22. the type of accident that killed men from District Tweleve
- 23. the valuable skill Katniss's father taught her
- 1. the number of contestants
- 3. the killer wasps that also cause halluinations
- 6. Katniss's best friend's name
- 7. the name of the day when the tribute's names are drawn
- 8. what cause the last death in the arena
- 10. the last surviving career tribute
- 11. the name of Katniss's ally in the games
- 12. the only 'outside' voice the tributes hear in the arena
- 13. the skill that Katniss used in the games
- 15. Katniss's surname
- 16. the surname of the Hunger Games' interviewer
- 18. the district Rue was from
- 21. where Katniss and her family live in District Tweleve
- 24. where does Katniss sleep on her first night