The Importance of College Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. GPA means your Grade ______ Average.
  2. 3. A ________ college prepares you for a specialized career or trade.
  3. 5. Someone who attends an educational institution to learn.
  4. 6. Money that's available to help pay college expenses
  5. 8. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based goals are also called ______.
  6. 9. It is best to be ________ when determining how much money you can spend on school.
  7. 10. An institution of higher learning offering instruction, usually in a professional, vocational, or technical field.
  8. 14. Middle school is a stepping stone to _____ ______.
  9. 16. A 9th grader can also be known as a _________.
  10. 17. Your WEOP Education Specialist can help you with college ________.
  11. 18. A planner can be used to keep track of all your ________.
  1. 2. WEOP stands for Wisconsin Educational _________ Programs.
  2. 4. Financial aid that must be paid back with interest.
  3. 6. The name of the federal financial aid application
  4. 7. It's best to study the more _______ subjects first. (Hint: the answer is not difficult)
  5. 11. People with bachelor's degrees earn roughly one ________ dollars more than high school graduates over their lifetime.
  6. 12. One type of two year college is a _________ college.
  7. 13. Taking a _____ language class in middle school can give you a head start for high school.
  8. 15. Money awarded to a student based on merit or achievement in a certain field.