The Importance of Personal Health

  1. 4. chronic disease other that obesity, heart disease, and diabetes
  2. 7. what activity that can cause chronic disease? drinking
  3. 8. which county that place around 38% death with heart diseases
  4. 9. check up what will you do if your personal health affects your quality of life
  5. 10. act of delaying or putting off tasks until the last minute
  6. 11. a serious condition where your blood glucose level is too high
  7. 12. activity that you have to do regularly so it can maintain your health
  8. 13. a situation that make people difficult to complete their daily task
  9. 15. neglecting your health can lead to a decreased in
  10. 17. who will check your health when you need it
  11. 19. a lifestyle to produce more energy in the morning
  12. 20. besides physical it can also affect your
  1. 1. food that can threaten your health
  2. 2. when you should go to primary care doctor
  3. 3. what will you get if you maintain your personal health
  4. 5. who’s the victim of chronic disease in US
  5. 6. ignoring your health can increase the risk of developing
  6. 14. people just realize the importance of personal health after suffering from
  7. 16. type of chronic disease that cause 38% death in U.S
  8. 18. what will cause your health if your body fat is increase