The Infancy Narratives

  1. 1. The prophetess and daughter of Phanuel who witnessed the Messiah during the presentation
  2. 3. The Wise Men who came to do Jesus homage in Matthew
  3. 6. The event in which the Messiah’s name was given
  4. 11. An event where Jesus was consecrated to the Lord in the temple as per the Law of Moses
  5. 13. The name of the angel who announced the coming of Jesus/John
  6. 15. The man who witnessed and blessed the Messiah during the presentation in the temple
  7. 17. The place where Jesus was born
  8. 18. The audience of Luke’s Gospel
  9. 19. The person who had heard the announcement of the coming of Jesus in Matthew
  10. 20. The person who had heard the announcement of the coming of Jesus in Luke
  1. 1. The announcement of the birth of Jesus
  2. 2. The canticle Mary had sung after meeting Elizabeth
  3. 4. The cousin of Mary who gave birth to John the Baptist
  4. 5. The people who came to witness Jesus after an angel had told them about his existence in Luke
  5. 7. A feeding trough for animals in which infant Jesus was placed in
  6. 8. The place Joseph decided to travel to after the Lord had told him to leave Egypt
  7. 9. The husband of Elizabeth and the person who had heard the announcement of the birth of John
  8. 10. The name of the king who ordered the massacre of all the children in Bethlehem to kill Jesus
  9. 12. The name of the Messiah that was given by Gabriel
  10. 14. The start of Matthew’s infancy narrative
  11. 16. The place where the Lord told Joseph to flee to