The Internet and IOE

  1. 1. the exchange of data between devices in IoT
  2. 3. text-based name corresponding to an IP address
  3. 4. storage storing data online rather than on local devices
  4. 10. connected physical devices that interact
  5. 11. buying and selling goods or services online
  6. 13. improves daily activities by connecting devices
  7. 15. devices used to monitor and collect data
  8. 16. symbols used to create and format webpages
  9. 18. malicious software designed to harm or exploit systems
  10. 19. sensors gather information for processing
  11. 20. the increasing number of physical objects linked to the Internet
  12. 23. IoT devices often rely on this type of connection
  13. 26. IoT depends on more objects being linked
  14. 28. top-level domain, like .com or .org
  15. 29. the first page of a website
  16. 31. technology used to track objects in IoT systems
  17. 32. use of machines or systems to perform tasks without human intervention
  18. 35. the information collected by IoT devices
  19. 37. the network of interconnected physical devices
  20. 38. realtime online text communication
  21. 39. concept of connecting everything digitally
  22. 42. small files stored on a computer that track online activities
  23. 43. refers to physical objects connected to the Internet
  24. 44. protocol used for transferring files between computers
  25. 45. converting data into a secure format
  26. 46. communication between devices without human input
  27. 47. controlling devices without human intervention
  1. 2. controlling multiple devices from a single location
  2. 5. tool for finding information on the Internet
  3. 6. protecting the information collected by IoT devices
  4. 7. software or hardware that blocks unauthorized access to a network
  5. 8. practices designed to protect networks and data from attacks
  6. 9. issues arising from IoT-connected devices
  7. 12. sending audio or video content over the Internet in real time
  8. 14. amount of data transmitted in a given time period
  9. 17. the issue of personal data being exposed in IoT
  10. 21. improved by the information provided by IoT
  11. 22. process of receiving data from the Internet
  12. 24. observing and tracking systems in IoT
  13. 25. an electronic document on the web
  14. 27. ensuring different IoT devices work together
  15. 30. system that translates domain names into IP addresses
  16. 33. electronic mail sent over the Internet
  17. 34. wireless technology for Internet connections
  18. 36. protecting IoT systems from cyber attacks
  19. 40. the challenge of integrating multiple IoT systems
  20. 41. computer that stores and delivers web pages to users