The Iron Curtain
- 3. Big reason for WW2 and the Holocaust.
- 7. Car music comes from stations.
- 8. Form of communication and messaging.
- 9. A wall East of Western Germany that created more division.
- 10. 50 stars: Red, White and Blue.
- 13. Close connections to the U.S. since the 13 colonies.
- 14. A form of government.
- 15. What Russia was known as around WW2.
- 16. There were two of these.
- 1. The prime minister of Britain.
- 2. The war right after WW2.
- 4. The leader of Soviet Russia.
- 5. Political metaphor for the division of Europe.
- 6. One of the continents.
- 11. The president who was with Churchill.
- 12. Where Churchill gave his 1945 speech as prime minister.