The JJ Connection

  1. 6. Their mothers also happen to share the same name
  2. 11. The bride and groom went to The University of ___
  3. 13. The bride and groom met through ___ club
  4. 14. Groom's name
  5. 15. An artist they bonded over
  6. 16. The two lovebirds call each other every night through _____
  7. 20. The groom's favourite drink
  8. 21. Groom's guilty pleasure
  9. 22. 10 minutes into watching any show, 99% of the time the groom can be found ___
  10. 23. When the bride starts ____ good luck trying to get her attention!
  11. 24. Their favourite type of food
  12. 25. Location of their first date
  13. 26. Bride's favourite colour
  1. 1. Their numerous ______ is what drew them to each other
  2. 2. Their favourite fried chicken place
  3. 3. What food does the groom absolutely hate?
  4. 4. What food does the bride absolutely hate?
  5. 5. One of the many things they have in common is their jersey number. What is it?
  6. 7. The Bride's Harry Potter House
  7. 8. The Groom's Harry Potter House
  8. 9. The bride and groom both have one younger brother and they happen to share the same name.
  9. 10. Bride's favourite type of drink
  10. 12. The groom won the bride's heart by bringing her ____ everytime he visited the Sports Complex
  11. 17. Bride's guilty pleasure
  12. 18. The month they got together
  13. 19. Bride's name