The Korean War

  1. 2. Capital of North Korea
  2. 4. Action of not turning up to something in protest (Soviet Union at the Security Council)
  3. 6. Name of vote needed to agree on military intervention by the UN Security Council
  4. 7. Country banned from taking up its seat at the UN Security Council following its Communist takeover.
  5. 8. Pocket that South Korean troops were pushed into by the North Korean invasion
  6. 9. The name of the UN commander who was sacked by US President Harry Truman
  7. 10. Leader of South Korea
  1. 1. Political system that operated in South Korea
  2. 3. Political system that operated in North Korea
  3. 5. Port city attacked by the UN Taskforce in September 1950
  4. 8. The 38th ___________ separated North and South Korea