The Koreas

  1. 2. a language in the Koreas
  2. 5. Korean has a written ____
  3. 6. capital of North Korea
  4. 7. government in which the people elect a president;South Korea government
  5. 8. most people were ____ and Confucianists
  6. 10. what the people of South and North Korea want together
  7. 11. a dish made from pickled cabbage and various spices
  8. 12. government owns all property and dominates aspects of life;North Korea government
  1. 1. a huge storm
  2. 2. Peninsula a peninsula in both of the Koreas
  3. 3. zone a "gate" that separates North and South Korea
  4. 4. a religion in the past
  5. 9. capital of South Korea
  6. 11. Sung a dictator of North Korea long ago
  7. 13. resource that North Korea has large deposits of