The Leaf

  1. 2. An arrangement of mesophyll cells in a ring around the vascular bundle - like a wreath - in C4 plants
  2. 3. primary photosynthetic tissue in the leaf
  3. 5. plants that grow in water
  4. 7. mesophyll cells are of this cell type
  5. 9. desert plants
  6. 12. specialized epidermal cells that form hairs
  7. 13. ______ acid acts to move ions out of guard cells and close stomata
  8. 15. the plant hormone that promotes leaf abscission
  9. 17. a series of irreversible changes leading toward death
  10. 18. tough outer cell layer that protects inner leaf tissues
  1. 1. eudicot leaves have ________ and spongy parenchyma cells
  2. 4. responsible for autumn color in leaves
  3. 6. _____ pressure opens stomata
  4. 8. a waxy layer that slows evaporation from the leaf surface
  5. 9. ____________, along with phloem form a leaf's vascular bundles or veins.
  6. 10. ______ cells control the opening of stomata
  7. 11. your average temperate-climate plant
  8. 14. ions accumulate in guard cells during daylight and act to open stomata as water follows the ions on an osmotic gradient
  9. 16. cells that fold and unfold a leaf
  10. 17. pores in the epidermis that allow for gas exchange