The Legacy of Jimi Hendrix

  1. 4. A constantly changing pattern or sequence of elements.
  2. 6. A record of events year by year; historical records.
  3. 8. Young people with exceptional qualities or abilities.
  4. 11. The defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history.
  5. 12. Great skill in music or another artistic pursuit.
  6. 13. Serving as a symbol of a particular quality or concept.
  7. 15. Extremely delicate, light, not of this world.
  1. 1. Showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks.
  2. 2. A remarkable person or event.
  3. 3. A subtle difference in meaning, expression, or response.
  4. 5. Someone who transforms or creates something through a seemingly magical process.
  5. 7. A dark shape or outline of someone or something visible against a lighter background.
  6. 9. Too great or extreme to be expressed in words; inexpressible.
  7. 10. The action or process of innovating; a new method, idea, or product.
  8. 14. Prolonged echoes or effects of an action or event.