The Library of Alexandria

  1. 2. What came after the destruction of the Library and the fall of Rome?
  2. 4. Who created the Library?
  3. 6. a military operation in which enemy forces surround a town or building with the aim of compelling those inside to surrender.
  4. 9. What did it begin as?
  5. 12. Author of the Iliad and the Odyssey.
  6. 13. Who permanently worked there?
  7. 14. It was a place where scientists, ____________ and poets
  8. 15. What period following the Dark Ages saw an increase in advancements in society?
  9. 16. works by Homer, Plato and _______ were featured in the Library
  1. 1. Located on the shore of which sea?
  2. 3. Who was said to destroy the Library?
  3. 5. An Egyptian king/queen
  4. 7. 70, 000 ________ _______ were stored at the Library
  5. 8. religious text
  6. 10. What religious group is theorised to have destroyed the Library?
  7. 11. What country is Alexandria located in
  8. 14. What did scholars collect?