The Lonely Girl (GV)

  1. 2. Why did the Aleuts not came back They .
  2. 4. Who was Karana sister
  3. 6. Karana made her oufit out of it
  4. 8. What ate Karanas brother
  5. 10. What did Karana spear when she was on the ocean with Rontu
  6. 15. Who was Karanas dad
  7. 17. They where outer hunters
  1. 1. How many dogs did Karana have
  2. 3. What was Karana best friends name
  3. 5. Karana collects these for winter
  4. 7. The colour of Karanas flag
  5. 9. What was one of Karana birds name
  6. 11. Name of her dog
  7. 12. Where Karanas people lived
  8. 13. Karana slept on a what for 3 days when the Aleuts came
  9. 14. How many weapons did Karana make
  10. 16. What did Karana make during winter