the longest crossword ever! (the legend of zelda)
- 1. the wind divine beast
- 5. this is the only village where you can die you clothes in
- 6. the place where most zelda games take place
- 8. the Zora champion in botw
- 12. she sits on a stump on the sacred forest meadow
- 13. hyrule castle, but it is bad (albw)
- 14. formed in a big flood
- 15. a fairy, but bigger
- 18. the starting place in tp
- 20. the tree that DIES in oot
- 22. the starting place in oot
- 24. a place where many trees grow
- 27. "no voe!"
- 29. zelda in disguise (oot)
- 30. the 3rd dungeon in ss
- 2. the place where you always find zelda
- 3. the last song you learn in ss
- 4. the place where time sleeps
- 7. you get to attend a wedding here. (botw)
- 9. the place where these flying replies love to dance so it is the dancing _____ dongon
- 10. the horse girl in tp
- 11. the home of the gorons
- 15. what are the things that stops the moon from falling in mm
- 16. where do you get the map in botw?
- 17. link uses the ____ __ ____ to travel to the past in ss
- 19. the princess of hyrule
- 21. the spirit that resides in the goddess sword
- 23. ingo makes you ____ for the horse. (oot)
- 25. the thing at the end of every dungeon.
- 26. this song makes the windmill spin fast(oot)
- 28. the starting place in ss
- 31. link's foe, down below