The Lord of the Flies (Chapters 1-6)

  1. 3. What is a huge conflict in the story?
  2. 4. What does Piggy use to make fire on the island?
  3. 6. The littluns eat a lot of what?
  4. 13. What is a symbol of the signal fire?
  5. 14. What is the nickname for the young ones?
  6. 15. Whose responsibility is it to maintain the signal fire?
  7. 16. What did Roger throw at one of the boys?
  8. 17. Where do the boys like to go swimming?
  9. 19. What is a symbol of authority, order, and civilization?
  10. 21. Who was elected leader?
  1. 1. Who falls down onto the island?
  2. 2. What are the littluns afraid of?
  3. 5. The school boys find themselves on a tropical island as a result of what?
  4. 7. What is the most frightening time of the day for the boys?
  5. 8. What is strange about Ralph and Jack?
  6. 9. Which boys are chosen to be the hunters of the island?
  7. 10. Jack is afraid to kill what animal?
  8. 11. What do the boys see above the island one night?
  9. 12. Where does the pilot land?
  10. 18. Where does the expedition take Jack and Ralph?
  11. 20. Ralph and Simon are the only ones who build what?