The Lord of the Rings

  1. 2. Frodo's last name
  2. 4. Home of the hobbits (2 words)
  3. 5. An Ent
  4. 6. Also known as Gollum
  5. 7. Son of Gloin
  6. 8. Elven prince of the Woodland Realm
  7. 11. Gandalf is one
  8. 12. Isildur's bane (three words)
  9. 13. Number of Ringwraiths
  10. 14. Home of the Horse Lords
  1. 1. Sam's full name (2 words)
  2. 3. one does not simply walk there
  3. 9. Also known as Strider
  4. 10. Imladris in elvish