The Lord of the Rings.

  1. 3. The Prancing Pony by Barlimen B_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r. This was on a door. Gandalf say this man's memory is like a lumber room, in a letter he wrote to Frodo.
  2. 8. Bilbo's sword that was given to Frodo.
  3. 9. The last homely home was occupied by this man.
  4. 13. Which dwarf bragged he kill forty two enemies?
  5. 14. Deceiver of King Theoden and Saruman's servant.
  6. 16. The Hobbit who threw his eleventy-first birthday.
  7. 17. Wizard that accompanies both Frodo and Bilbo on their journeys.
  8. 18. At the house of Elrond who was Frodo most excited to see? Because he had not seen him for a long while.
  9. 19. The evil horseman/creatures from Mordor that chased Frodo and Bilbo in the Shire.πŸ‡
  10. 20. The country/territory that Bag End was in. S_ _ _ E
  11. 21. An Ent that took over control of Isengard and trapped Saruman in Orthanc tower.
  12. 26. What lady had Nenya, the Ring of Adamant.
  13. 28. Which of the dwarves was so fat that it took six young dwarves ot lift him?
  14. 30. The creature who says, My precious, Yes my precious, and lived under a mountain. G_ _ _ _ _.
  15. 32. The hobbit in the story that is Frodo's friend starts with P_ _ _ _ _.
  16. 35. What tower does Saruman dwell in?
  17. 36. Guy who had a blue coat and long beard, great yellow boots and saved hobbits from Old Man Willow. T_ _ B_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - two words.
  18. 37. Sword broken in half that Aragorn was so determined to be reforged.
  1. 1. another friend of Frodo, he has a happy name.
  2. 2. One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to bind them, One Ring to bring them all and in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bind them.
  3. 4. The ring Bilbo and Frodo had was the what of all the rings and the source of Sauron's power? Starts with R_ _ _ R.
  4. 5. Man of the West.
  5. 6. The Nine were what creatures?
  6. 7. The man that is The Strider.
  7. 10. A young, little hobbit that is a hero in the story.
  8. 11. Which person said he killed forty one enemies?
  9. 12. the creatures that captured the Hobbits after Tom Bombadil sent them away. W_ _ _ _ S.
  10. 15. Tom Bombadil's lady companion and daughter of the river. G_ _ _ _ _ _ _ y
  11. 22. End Cozy home that Bilbo and Frodo Both lived in🏠. B_ _ E _ _
  12. 23. Injured Frodo in his shoulder and caused his arm to go numb.
  13. 24. The Hobbit who said " ..My precious, Yes my precious" and loathed to give up the ring.
  14. 25. How many quarters was the Shire split into?
  15. 27. Obstinate wife of Otho Sackville-Bagginses.
  16. 29. Other personality of Gollum before he killed his brother over the ring.
  17. 31. The phial of Galadriel gave off what?
  18. 33. What king did Gandalf make young again
  19. 34. Faithful follower, defender, and friend of Frodo.