The Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers: Artifacts

  1. 4. Cloaks used to hide from unfriendly eyes, similar to the Cloak of Invisibility from Harry Potter.
  2. 6. the name of the sword that is used by the elf, Legolas
  3. 7. The most important item in The Lord of the Rings. This ring was crafted by the evil lord Sauron and can overpower all of the other rings of Middle Earth
  4. 9. A stone that allows one to communicate over long distances.
  5. 10. Grond was a battering ram, used by Sauron's forces to destroy the Great Gate of Minas Tirith during the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
  1. 1. The wafer food that was giving to the company by the elves. It has the power to sustain a traveler for many days after only eating very little.
  2. 2. The main weapon used by most of the Ring Wraiths, also known as the Nazgul.
  3. 3. The sword wielded by Aragorn, forged from the shards of the sword Narsil.
  4. 5. The short but deadly blade glows in blue when orcs or goblins are nearby.
  5. 8. an Elvish sword that bit with a chilling cold, a blade that glittered like ice by the light of the stars.