THE MASS - 7th Grade

  1. 4. The Remembering - A set of prayers toward the end of the Eucharistic Prayer
  2. 5. Another word for Prayers of the Faithful.
  3. 6. Setting the table
  4. 7. We proclaim your death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again.
  5. 8. The beginning of the Eucharistic Prayer - The Lord be with you - And with Your Spirit...
  6. 10. The 'Good News' of Jesus
  7. 14. Lamb of God, you take away....
  8. 16. Christ is present in the Mass in the inspired Word of God
  9. 17. Through Him, With Him and In Him...
  10. 18. Christ is present in Persona Christi
  11. 19. Final reconciliation opportunity before communion
  1. 1. Response to first reading, a song from the Old Testament
  2. 2. Retelling of the Last Supper
  3. 3. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts...
  4. 9. Old Testament Reading, except in Easter
  5. 11. Another word for the Second Reading from the letters in the New Tesament
  6. 12. The idea that Jesus truly changes the bread and wine into Himself.
  7. 13. Christ is present in our participation
  8. 15. Calling down the Holy Spirit on the gifts - The Most Holy Part of the Eucharistic Prayer.
  9. 20. Christ is present in the Mass in the he bread and wine offered that really change into Jesus’ body and blood