- 3. FRACTIONS The concept of dividing something into smaller, equal parts (9 letters).
- 4. RATIO The comparison of two numbers, often used in recipes and patterns (5 letters).
- 5. The equal division of something into parts (8 letters).
- 6. FRACTION The number of parts you have if a whole is divided into three equal sections (8 letters).
- 9. INCHES A unit used to measure lengths, often used in weaving (5 letters).
- 10. The vertical threads in a weaving loom (4 letters).
- 11. One part of a whole when divided (8 letters).
- 1. A traditional form of art using threads to create designs (8 letters).
- 2. A design made by weaving together colored threads in a repeated pattern (6 letters).
- 5. A mathematical statement that two ratios are equal (10 letters).
- 7. A decorative fabric made by weaving colored threads (6 letters).
- 8. The horizontal threads in a weaving loom (4 letters).