The Maya, Aztecs, and Inca

  1. 2. A high nobility of religion
  2. 5. the Aztecs origin story
  3. 9. The ruler of a empire
  4. 10. the body of water surrounding tenochitlan
  5. 11. were the Inca’s form of farming in the mountains
  6. 15. the practice of farming
  7. 16. Were there own empire and had there own ruler
  8. 17. Sometimes Used to worship gods
  1. 1. Was a city built by the Inca
  2. 3. A empires food currency and trade
  3. 4. The first civilization
  4. 6. Were the maya’s currency
  5. 7. the Aztec capital
  6. 8. Were conquered by the Spanish like the Inca
  7. 12. A story that explains how the religion/empire was made or originated
  8. 13. Did not use metal or wheels
  9. 14. A type of corn