The Middle Ages-Gabriela and Camila
- 1. Roman ______, similar to a kingdom
- 3. take control of a place and people
- 7. bad peolpe that terrified the barbarians and conquiested their lands
- 8. many lands and cities ______ in wars, crusades _____ for God
- 9. age tehy call it like that because of the wars that they made
- 10. Conquered Roman empire
- 11. conquer Constantinopla
- 13. peacefull people,also named germans
- 14. death the most devastating plague in history
- 2. E. the largest land empire in the world
- 3. Knights that defended Christianity
- 4. Empire Was one of the most powerful empires
- 5. lived in Galia and conquered Iberica
- 6. dominant religion during the Middle Age
- 12. africans that conquerer Cartago