The Middle Ages-Gabriela and Camila

  1. 1. Roman ______, similar to a kingdom
  2. 3. take control of a place and people
  3. 7. bad peolpe that terrified the barbarians and conquiested their lands
  4. 8. many lands and cities ______ in wars, crusades _____ for God
  5. 9. age tehy call it like that because of the wars that they made
  6. 10. Conquered Roman empire
  7. 11. conquer Constantinopla
  8. 13. peacefull people,also named germans
  9. 14. death the most devastating plague in history
  1. 2. E. the largest land empire in the world
  2. 3. Knights that defended Christianity
  3. 4. Empire Was one of the most powerful empires
  4. 5. lived in Galia and conquered Iberica
  5. 6. dominant religion during the Middle Age
  6. 12. africans that conquerer Cartago