The Middle East by Marcus Cheongashack

  1. 2. A Non-Renewable Energy
  2. 3. disasters floods, earthquakes, hurricanes,droughts, tornadoes, and mud slides
  3. 5. A salt lake landlocked by Israel and Jordan
  4. 7. The watering of farmland with water drawn from reservoirs or rivers
  5. 8. A sea connected to the Atlantic Ocean and is in between Europe to the Middle East
  6. 10. Bordered by Saudi Arabia and Iran
  7. 13. the coolest country in the whole Middle Eastern region, receives more rain, and has grasslands and forest areas
  8. 14. The worlds largest lake
  1. 1. A term for the amount of people in a country, city, or town
  2. 4. The regions most plentiful natural resource
  3. 6. allow trades, allow farming, and leave behind fertile soil when intact with a flood
  4. 8. Not a hill but a ________
  5. 9. The climate in much of the middle east
  6. 11. One of the water sources that aren't saltwater
  7. 12. A freshwater resource that stretches from Egypt to Sudan