The Ming Dynasty

  1. 2. First emperor of the Ming Dynasty
  2. 4. How did the Chinese find other countries?
  3. 7. Ruled after the Mongols
  4. 9. the other of 2 countries mentioned that paid tribute to china during the Ming dynasty (pay attention to the spacing)
  5. 11. The first capital of the Ming dynasty
  6. 12. the outlawed but still in practice economy of the Chinese.
  7. 13. Led the all 7 voyages of exploration
  8. 15. one of 2 countries mentioned that paid tribute to china during the Ming dynasty
  1. 1. Ruled china before the Ming dynasty
  2. 3. the religion opposed onto the Chinese
  3. 5. Second Ming dynasty Emperor
  4. 6. The favorable economy of the Chinese government
  5. 8. where did the Ming dynasty rule?
  6. 10. The second capital of the Ming dynasty
  7. 14. rulers in the Ming dynasty