The Money Market

  1. 1. A loan used to purchase or maintain a home or another form of real estate
  2. 4. The percentage paid from a borrower to a lender for a loan of money
  3. 6. An amount of money you can borrow to use for a variety of purposes
  4. 9. A payment card that deducts money directly from the consumers checking account
  5. 10. Represents equity ownership in a corporation or financial asset, owned by investors
  6. 11. Money placed into a bank for safekeeping
  7. 13. A funding arrangement between a business and a financial institution based on debt
  8. 14. A transaction in which an individual withdraws funds from another person's bank account
  9. 18. A bank account where money is withdrawn without notice
  10. 19. Issued by financial institutions which allow you to borrow funds to pay for your purchases
  11. 20. They advise businesses and governments on how to meet their financial challenges
  12. 21. A company involved in the business of dealing with financial and monetary transactions
  1. 2. A debt security issued by a government that supports the government's financial activities
  2. 3. They can be seen, touch, held and has a material existence
  3. 5. A liquid asset that gets it's value from a contractual right
  4. 7. Finance or banking activities that adhere to the Islamic laws
  5. 8. What is used to exchange goods/services
  6. 10. An interest-bearing deposit account held at a bank or other financial institution
  7. 12. Dealing in debt of less than one year
  8. 15. A financial institution that carries out all the operations to do with the deposit and withdrawal of money for the public
  9. 16. It occurs when an account lacks the funds to cover a withdrawal, but goes forward with it anyways
  10. 17. An asset than can be easily converted into cash while keeping it's market value