The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones

  1. 2. Clary's best friend
  2. 4. Clary's father figure in her life
  3. 5. Rebel group created by Valentine
  4. 7. Magical item needed to create more Shadowhunters
  5. 8. Jace's job
  6. 10. Where Jace, Alec, and Isabelle live
  7. 11. Luke's true nature
  8. 14. Valentine's surname
  9. 16. Clary's newfound brother
  10. 17. Clary's mother
  11. 18. Permanent resident of the Institute
  1. 1. Children of the Night
  2. 3. Where Jocelyn hid the Mortal Cup
  3. 6. Clary's full name
  4. 9. Part human, part demon
  5. 11. Children of Lilith
  6. 12. Fair folk
  7. 13. Children of the Moon
  8. 15. Clary's actual father