The Most Dangerous Game

  1. 2. Move back, down or away
  2. 3. Murder
  3. 4. Uneasiness
  4. 7. Calm,peaceful,quiet
  5. 8. Preparation for the future
  6. 9. Music
  7. 10. cause to decay
  8. 11. Senses
  9. 14. Wild
  10. 15. worn into rags
  1. 1. A chance of harm
  2. 2. A room for meals in a convent or school
  3. 4. Example
  4. 5. One who lives in accordance with Protestant precepts
  5. 6. Ornament
  6. 8. Someone who studies the truth underlying all knowledge
  7. 9. Growl
  8. 11. Glorious
  9. 12. Slim
  10. 13. An animal chased in a hunt