The Mystery of Hidden Valley

  1. 1. Animal that grazed in Hidden Valley
  2. 6. Color of Morgan’s eyes
  3. 7. First name of aircraft designer
  4. 9. Children sleep in a ________ after arriving from Smugglers Cove
  5. 12. Child who discovers tunnel entrance
  6. 14. Item that Will leaves behind in the farmhouse
  7. 15. Child who works at the stables
  8. 16. What Joe and Sarah start to create a distraction
  9. 17. Evan is also known as ________ Evans
  10. 18. Valley where children go camping
  11. 19. Place where stable boy reunites with the children
  1. 2. How the children travel to the lake
  2. 3. Name of village where the stables are
  3. 4. Country where novel takes place
  4. 5. Hawker Typhoon, Spitfire, Mustang are all types of ________
  5. 8. What Morgan and Evan give to Will to share with the others
  6. 10. Number of days Mr Spencer plans to spend in the mountains
  7. 11. Activity that children partake in after arriving at camping spot
  8. 13. Numbwe of days children plan to go camping for
  9. 14. Children get to Hidden Valley by a ________