The Natural Beauty of Banff National Park

  1. 2. Covered or concealed as if by a veil, not clearly seen or understood.
  2. 4. Pertaining to the sky or outer space, heavenly or divine.
  3. 5. The variety of plant and animal life in a particular habitat, typically a high level indicating a healthy ecosystem.
  4. 9. The quality of being resonant, able to evoke enduring images, memories, or emotions.
  5. 11. The outline defining a shape or form, especially one representing a specific topographical feature.
  6. 12. A poem of fourteen lines using any of a number of formal rhyme schemes; here, metaphorically used to depict a complex and beautifully crafted entity.
  7. 14. Unchanging over time or unable to be changed, enduring.
  8. 15. The characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as manifested in its beliefs and aspirations.
  1. 1. Having a sweet, musical, or pleasant sound, often used to describe voices or music.
  2. 3. Distinct periods of time in history or a person's life, characterized by notable events or particular characteristics.
  3. 6. Rich and luxurious, characterized by grandeur and extravagance.
  4. 7. Surpassing the ordinary; exceptional, extending beyond the limits of ordinary experience.
  5. 8. Green with grass or other rich vegetation, symbolizing lush and abundant growth.
  6. 10. Gradually lessen or reduce, often used in reference to tides or feelings.
  7. 13. Inspired or permeated with a feeling or quality, deeply influenced by.