The Natural World

  1. 1. A really steep edge of a rock or mountain.
  2. 2. A small, woody plant with lots of branches.
  3. 3. Hard stuff you find on the ground, like what you might pick up and throw.
  4. 4. A small, shallow flow of water you might find in a park or forest.
  5. 8. A dense forest with lots of trees and rain.
  6. 11. The cool, dark area under a tree or something blocking the sun.
  7. 12. The flat, green part of a plant that grows from a stem.
  8. 14. The green stuff that covers the ground in lawns and fields.
  9. 15. The colorful arch in the sky after it rains.
  1. 1. The quiet, open areas outside of cities and towns.
  2. 5. The big round thing we see in the sky at night that changes shape.
  3. 6. A twinkling dot of light in the sky at night.
  4. 7. A narrow trail or walkway for walking.
  5. 9. A big open space where you might see grass or crops growing.
  6. 10. The big, open space above us where we see clouds, the sun, and the moon.
  7. 13. The stuff we breathe that's all around us but we can't see.
  8. 14. The solid stuff we walk on, like dirt or pavement.