The Nature of Matter
- 3. You can also eat mass.
- 4. Mass is also _____. We are mass.
- 5. A mass of something is a _________ of it.
- 6. Is a quantitative measure that is proportional to the magnitude of the gravitational force.
- 10. Any body having mass has an _____ amount of energy.
- 14. Is everything around you.
- 16. This shows you how to find the mass of an object.
- 17. Mass volume.
- 19. We can also say that ____ and houses are also mass even if we can get inside them.
- 20. Mass could be a large number of _______.
- 1. The SI of mass is the ______.
- 2. The mass of an object is the amount of ________ ________ that it has.
- 7. The mass of an object determines its ______ in the presence of an applied force.
- 8. Is a quantitative measure of an object's resistance to changes in velocity.
- 9. Matter is anything made of _______.
- 11. Matter is anything made of _____.
- 12. Mass of things is large group of them grouped ________.
- 13. Matter Is associated with ______.
- 15. Is the space an object occupies.
- 18. Mass could be liquid, _____ or a gas.