The Nebular Theory

  1. 2. "Small" Chunks of rock and ice that have an orbital path and consist of rock and ice. Has two parts: Head and Tail.
  2. 7. The Second part of a comet. Leaves a trail of gas and dust.
  3. 8. "Small” rock, found in the Asteroid Belt. Can range from 6 ft. to 600 miles across.
  4. 11. Gas Giants. (Outer Planets)
  5. 14. Planets move in the same direction around the Sun
  6. 15. Solar System Formed 4.6 Billion Years ago. The Most accepted theory is the Nebular Theory
  7. 17. Most accepted theory on the formation of the solar system
  8. 19. Step 2 of the Nebular Theory, The Disk began to spin in one direction
  9. 22. Rocky and with thin Atmospheres. Closer to the sun. (Inner Planets)
  10. 23. A large cloud of dust and gas
  11. 25. Step 3 of the Nebular Theory: The Formation of the sun, caused by the friction and speed of the disk
  12. 26. Step 4 of the Nebular Theory: Small particles colliding and attaching to each other creating celestial bodies.
  13. 27. The first step in the Nebular Theory. A nebula fell in on itself and formed a disk
  14. 28. Named after the objects that make it up, can be found between Mars and Jupiter
  1. 1. Small particles that collide and get bigger and continue to collect more particles until it creates a planet
  2. 3. A Meteoroid that passed through that atmosphere and hit the earth. (Hint: Dinosaurs))
  3. 4. Moon Theory: The Moon floated in space until Earth's Gravity captured it.
  4. 5. All planets orbit the sun in the same area.
  5. 6. Small piece of Rock that Enters Earths Atmosphere
  6. 9. A Moon Theory: A piece of molten Earth came off and was caught in the Earth's Gravity and hardened to become the Moon.
  7. 10. A Meteoroid that burns up in the atmosphere caused by friction and air particles.
  8. 12. Moon Theory: Earth was struck by mars sized object. Mantle flew off and started orbiting Earth
  9. 13. The Front part of a comet.
  10. 16. The outer layer of the head of a comet
  11. 18. Formed 10 Billion years ago (Our Galaxy)
  12. 20. Created the Universe 13.8 Billion Years Ago
  13. 21. Orbits a planet
  14. 24. A part of the head of a comet. The inside layer.