The New Peasantries Crossword

  1. 2. Trade between developed and developing countries that meets a standard of fair pricing.
  2. 4. The non-urban areas where most farming occurs.
  3. 5. The Declaration of the Rights of Peasants and Other People in Rural Areas was adopted by whom?
  4. 7. One of the main international organizations to represent peasant farmers.
  5. 9. A poorer farmer who operates on a smaller scale than large industry.
  1. 1. The integral starting resource that peasant farmers struggle to access.
  2. 3. The type of mass produced farming that isn't considered peasant farming.
  3. 5. One of the major African countries involved in ESAFF.
  4. 6. Due to its growing price, peasant farmers struggle to purchase their own______.
  5. 8. The percent of produce that comes from peasant farmers.