the not boring crossword puzzle

  1. 5. Your Sister
  2. 7. One of your breakfasts (with tomato sauce, cheese, etc...)
  3. 8. Your favorite sport to play
  4. 9. You are super _____. (br_v_)
  5. 11. Your last surgery was on your _____.
  6. 12. Your brother who wears a nametag
  7. 14. Your high school
  8. 16. The city where you were born in
  9. 17. Your brother who used to ride motor bikes
  10. 18. The dance you went to with Jack
  1. 1. Where you went on vacation with no phone
  2. 2. This next year will be your ______ year in High School
  3. 3. Your star wars brother
  4. 4. Your brakes on your car are VERY _______.
  5. 5. Our favorite shake place at bear lake. (Not Zipz.)
  6. 6. Your brother who loved watching survivor in his chair.
  7. 10. Where you work
  8. 11. Our latest Urry family vacation was at ____ lake.
  9. 13. Your hometown
  10. 14. You were ___ when Owen was born. (He was born 09/03/2010.)
  11. 15. The wordle word for August 3rd, 2022