The Nuclear Age and the Cold War

  1. 3. Occupied by the Societ Union
  2. 4. Occupied by the Western Allies
  3. 8. The types of weapons both sides threatened to release
  4. 9. The war that ended with the dropping of the atomic bomb
  5. 10. The name used to refer to communist USSR and capitalist USA after World War 2
  6. 12. The first city onto which the atomic bomb was dropped
  7. 14. A competion between the USA and USSR to build up the most nuclear weapons during the Cold War
  8. 15. The conference where it was decided Germany would be divided into four parts
  9. 16. The ideology that suggests that wealth should be shared equally among all people
  1. 1. The scientist whose theories were used in the making of the Atmic Bomb
  2. 2. The that ideology suggests that there is nothing wrong with some people being rich and others being poor
  3. 5. The race to put the first man in space/ on the moon
  4. 6. The second city onto which the atomic bomb was dropped
  5. 7. This was built in 1961 in a German City to prevent people from each side from visiting each other
  6. 8. The man who said "that's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind"
  7. 11. The name given to the world-wide, but non-physical confrontation between the USA and the USSR
  8. 13. The conference with noticeable tension between the Allies