
  1. 4. Hurt, petulant Jesus ruined this
  2. 7. Gets pimples, and still rocks harder than anyone alive
  3. 12. The worst thing about prison
  4. 14. “____ started the fire!”
  5. 15. If you question the teachings of the Mormon church, you’re probably this
  6. 19. He is Beyonce, always
  7. 21. Toby's (supposed) secret identity
  8. 24. A canoe you build around your horse so you can easily switch between riding and boating
  9. 25. Kelly is one of the few people who look hot eating these
  10. 26. “And I feel ___ in this Chili's tonight.”
  11. 28. “Did I _______?!”
  12. 29. The groin of the head
  1. 1. National sport of Icelandic paper companies
  2. 2. The three Bs
  3. 3. A crime fighting beaver
  4. 5. The new golf course; where business happens, according to Small Businessman Magazine
  5. 6. It squeaks when you bang it
  6. 8. “Dwight, you ________ ____!”
  7. 9. That's my joke, Dwight!
  8. 10. "Fool me once, strike one. Fool me twice..."
  9. 11. You should put your mouth on that
  10. 13. These aren’t the only thing fake about Jan…
  11. 16. Michael didn’t say it, he declared it
  12. 17. Stanley's favorite day
  13. 18. People who can’t farm, farm this
  14. 20. Being this means you don’t have to think, or do anything
  15. 22. Jim, tell him where he can stick his grapes!
  16. 23. The best gift for Yankee Swap
  17. 24. Michael's favorite restaurant (but hold the chicken)
  18. 27. Dip it in water so it slides down your gullet more easily