the office

  1. 2. "I have a delicious secret."
  2. 6. "Sometimes, I think I'm working with idiots."
  3. 8. "Bears can climb faster than they can run !"
  4. 9. "Wow. That is a really good timing."
  5. 13. "Did I stutter ?"
  6. 14. "My father was a strict disciplinarian."
  7. 15. "Andy is my best friend in the office."
  8. 17. "You've got a lot learn, sweetie."
  1. 1. "That's hurtful talk, we've talked about that."
  2. 3. "Frankly, it's overdue."
  3. 4. "I burned my foot."
  4. 5. "After a couple of months, I'll introduce you to all the local talent."
  5. 7. "C'mon, you're buying."
  6. 10. "Actually."
  7. 11. "Michael, I mean when has this ever worked for you?"
  8. 12. "I mean how do you even judget that ?"
  9. 16. "Stanley please. THIS IS SERIOUS !"