The Office Crossword Puzzle
- 1. Jan's baby
- 3. Bob Vance, Vance _____
- 4. What Jim got Pam for Christmas
- 7. What cause Michael runs for in Fun Run
- 9. Michael's Asian character
- 14. Jim's nickname
- 19. People hate her just because she's not Pam
- 21. I want my baby back baby back
- 22. The worst thing about prison
- 25. The Stripper who went back to get her degree
- 27. ____, Beets, Battlestar Galactica
- 29. Where Andie went to college
- 31. Cat lady
- 33. Female Santa
- 34. Dwights middle name
- 2. The city where the Office takes place
- 5. White people like it, black people like it, do black people like it?
- 6. She's the devil
- 8. Angela's cat that Dwight kills
- 10. David Wallace's company when he gets laid off (two words)
- 11. Who bought out Dunder Mifflin
- 12. Where are the ___? (chocolates)
- 13. Assistant to the regional Manager
- 15. What breakfast food does Michael make in square shape to represent paper?
- 16. Stanley's favorite puzzles
- 17. This was Erin's room as a kid
- 18. Michael's Awards
- 20. Michael goes on vacation man
- 23. Hi, I'm ____ Mike, nice to meet me
- 24. Ryan's job
- 26. The color Dwight painted the wall when he became manager temporarily
- 28. Michael has a crush on
- 30. Carol's costume in Diwali
- 32. Michaels middle name